Thursday, May 29, 2008


诗淇:第一次能够体会妈妈的心情。妈妈常常得出国工作,心里一定无时无刻地挂念着爸爸、妹妹和我。My family is the BEST!!!




Anonymous said...

why is sunyi sleeping in his underwear? miss you osel.

Anonymous said...

'陈大妈,苏大妈。辛苦了。你们得看着十六个孩子,还得写 内容很生动,谢了.

mabel's mum said...

Mabel’s mummy: Yup, yup, I initially let her go with great reluctance. Excited and helpful mummy friends came forward with both advice and spine-tingling stories of what could happen to poor single little girls staying alone in a stranger’s house in earthquake zone over in the land of China.
1st phone call Mabel called from the host’s house made my heart palpitating with fear. My poor little girl was sniffling away as she talked, alone and scared staying in a stranger’s home. ‘Bad decision, bad, bad! ‘ These words were screaming within my head. Piled the blame on poor Daddy for encouraging the trip!
Guess what, on 26th May late evening, I received the most enlightening sms from my indomitable girl. It said she now realises she has the best family in the whole wide world! She misses home, Singapore and even every trivial details. (Ahem! She misses the way I talked, EVEN MY SCOLDING!) She learnt to muster courage and remain resolute in the face of adversity.
(Daddy’s note: Should see the Mom’s glow of delirious triumph and claim of glory! Thought I was the one who let her go!)
Ha! Ha! Maybe it was not a bad idea after all. To all parents out there: our children are actually much stronger and more adaptable that what we believed them to be. Our great salute to both Ms Tan and Ms Shu. Without your unwavering support our children would not have gone that far. Bravo!

Anonymous said...


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